At first, I was so excited about BEADS, that all I wanted to do was string them. I made hundreds of bracelets using beautiful crystals and silver and glass. I made so many that I knew if I was going to be able to buy more supplies, I would have to sell some jewelry. And, the greatest thing friends wanted to BUY my jewelry! I knew then that I was going into business and I called it "Celebrations by Rose."
Because I love to learn, I eventually became tired of stringing beads, so I wanted to learn more techniques. Luckily, a new little bead store had opened up in my neighborhood. And my relationship with Glasshopper Bead Studio began. There was so much to learn! I took dozens of classes at Glasshopper. And every time I learned a new technique, I wanted to have every tool and supply that went with it! I was realizing more and more, that creating jewelry is quite an expensive hobby!
And so it continued... I would learn a new skill - use this skill over and over and then move on to something new. By then I had taken my jewelry to shops and galleries in the St. Louis area...and I was thrilled to discover that strangers, who weren't my friends, actually wanted to buy my art!